


Leadership in a time of crisis



“84% of Australians prefer to suffer in silence than discuss their situation”

We have a problem with mental wellbeing and work related stress. This program is for employees wanting to stay mentally well and leaders seeking to embed work practices that promote mental wellbeing and create safe places of work.

  1. Understanding psychological safety, what it is and why it matters

  2. Learn the 5 Forces that up regulate or down regulate mental well-being

  3. Build skills of noticing and responding to signs of stress in self and others

  4. Practical strategies to create psychological safety


“No one’s life is a smooth sail; we all come into stormy weather. But it’s this adversity – and more specifically our resilience – that makes us strong and successful.” Glenn Robbins

An ability to manage self under pressure underpins an individual’s ability to engage, adapt and optimise performance. Mastering emotional control in the moments when the pressure is on and building practices that provide a resilient bedrock and prevent burnout is key to thriving in today’s fast paced, always on world.

  1. What is resilience?

  2. How to be resilient from a neuroscience perspective

  3. Practical tools to build mental grit and emotional intelligence

  4. Leveraging food, sleep and exercise to increase resilience

  5. Resilience rituals for teams


Either you run the day or the day runs you.” Jim Rohn

Research shows that people spend 47% of their time at work with their mind ‘off task’ and 64% fail to hit their priorities. Can you, or your organisation, afford the productivity loss? This program navigates the gap between how the brain is designed to work and the way it needs to work to get stuff done.

  1. Understand the mismatch between your caveman brain and work today

  2. Brain strategies to improve productivity

  3. Create empowering morning routines

  4. Leveraging brain energy cycles 

  5. Negotiating work demands, how to say no when you need to say no


“Not finance. Not strategy. Not technology. It is teamwork that remains the ultimate competitive advantage, both because it is so powerful and so rare.” ― Patrick Lencioni, The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable

Are your people working at their collective best? Is every voice in your team being heard? Conversations can open up your team’s brain to extraordinary relationships and high performance or they can close the space by creating a distrustful and negative culture. This program is based on the latest neuroscience and thirty years of research into conversational intelligence to enable your team to realise their collective capacity.

  1. Establishing a foundation of trust

  2. Understanding each other’s styles and value

  3. Mapping conversational dynamics  

  4. Building the rules of engagement for the team

  5. Applying the Conversational CHANGES model to shift from “I” to “We”

Can be supported by PRISM neuroscience based profiling tool and Trust diagnostic.


“We found that seven in 10 people were avoiding tough conversations in the workplace. Their reasoning? Fear of retribution or the perception that going forward would be futile.” The Conversation Gap in 2019 Whitepaper Bravely

Conversations are the lifeblood of an organisation. Yet most fail to hit the mark. People avoid the tough ones and unconscious beliefs about power and authority mean many are derailed by power struggles or a focus on being right. We can help you close the conversation gap and reduce the cost of conflict, increase the flow of information, feedback and learning.

  1. Understand what gets in the way

  2. How to tackle the top 4 scary conversations with ease

  3. Strategies to mitigate emotional triggers and reactions

  4. Creating a solution focused mindset

  5. Learn the 10/10 model to transform tricky relationships


“Everybody lives by selling something” Robert Louis Stevenson

Customer experience is the key to success in relationship-based sales. It’s not what you tell them, it is how you make them feel.  This program is for sales people seeking to leverage customer touch points and increase conversion rates. Don’t let your personal style derail a sale, learn when to tone it down or dial it up to create rapport.

  1. Identify your sales style - where it works and where it doesn’t

  2. Insights into motivations of different styles to see clearly what you need to do more/less of

  3. Conveying personal brand to become a trusted advisor

  4. Mental toughness in the face of disappointment, difficult people and rejection